Buellton Art: Exploring the Ocean

Buellton Art Ad "Hearting Buellton" written in a brush font and California in all caps with images of a large Purple Heart, fish, and sand crab,

The California Nature Art Museum is this year's non-profit partner for the Buellton Art "Exploring the Ocean!” project.

The City of Buellton has awarded a grant for this community art project. Banners featuring marine-themed art from our community artists will be on display down the Avenue of Flags, on Hwy 246, and down Industrial Way.

One of the primary goals of this project is to help people of all artistic abilities see that there is an inner-artist within everyone. To learn more and submit your art, please go to Buellton.Art .

90% of profits raised will go towards THIS Buellton Art project to further their community art project goals. As the non-profit fiscal sponsor for this project, we invite you on Buellton Art's behalf to donate to the fund for the "Exploring the Ocean" project using the ‘Donate’ button below.

Click below to DONATE.